31 photos

1st Jan: On a gentle stroll (Vancouver Island)2nd Jan: Sun at last (Wicken Fen)3rd Jan: Late in the day (Cotswolds)4th Jan: Winter sunset (Linton)5th Jan: Walk along the quay (King's Lynn)6th Jan: Sunrise (Somerset)7th Jan: St Michael's Mount (Cornwall)8th Jan: Early morning fishing (Pylos, Greece)9th Jan: There is always hope (Anglesey Abbey)10th Jan: Sun struggling to shine (Svinafells-Jokull)11th Jan: Roof tops (Dubrovnik)12th Jan: Raining again (Lyme Regis)13th Jan: A favourite place (Lindisfarne)14th Jan: Late in the day (Topsham)15th Jan: Yet more rain (Linton)16th Jan: Gentle pink clouds (Tinos town)17th Jan: Anchored (Stykkisholmur)18th Jan: In search of snow (Linton)19th Jan: Beautiful sky over Drangshio (Iceland)20th Jan: Still, quiet and peaceful (Embleton)